To create demand of PRIMA SUPREME product in certain location across Indonesia including opening new business
demand opportunity such as to government project, re-roofing etc.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

• Prima Supreme product introduction to corporate developers, architect consultants, government, as well as public building owners.
• Support the entire sales team for flat roofing product specifications by doing specification selling.
• Ensure the delivery; services, installation and quality of flat roofing products are met. Project Management using CRM.
• Provide input to companies regarding the latest home and building design trends on the market related to roofing
• Collaborate with marketing, work together to propose customers’ needs in terms of marketing promotion (advertising billboards, mention of brands in home brochure material specifications)
• Collaborate with the technical support and marketing team

Keahlian :

Good communication skill and team player.
Capability to make fast and accurate decision.

Kualifikasi :

• Minimum Bachelor degree, preferably with technical background (civil/ architecture).
• Minimum 2 year working experience in specifier
• Work Location Jakarta & Palembang

Waktu Bekerja :

Jam 08.30 s/d 17.30 senin s/d jumat

Tunjangan :

• Uang Hadir
• BPJS Kesehatan
• BPJS Ketenagakerjaan